How to hire the best DevOps team for your needs
What is DevOps?
DevOps stands for Development and operations. It emphasizes shortening the development cycle of software products and services by integrating the functions of development and Information Technology(IT) operations. The main aim of the DevOps strategy is to ensure uninterrupted delivery of services with top-notch quality that is devoid of errors or other glitches.
Why Right Talents are the Bedrock of a Successful DevOps Culture?
Technologies have changed and so have the customers. Customer expectations are no longer what used to be some five years ago. Competition has skyrocketed with each enterprise envisaging its strategy to capture the limelight in the overall market share. Irrespective of whatever their strategies might be, they all have something in common: DevOps.
DevOps skills are in soaring demand the world over and every aspirant does not want to let of an opportunity that markets DevOps in their resume. DevOps is not a tool or technology but a culture that emphasizes enhancing and fostering collaboration among the teams thus accelerating the software development life cycle (SDLC)with a view to market your products subject to minimal downtime and thus provide better customer experience.
But finding the right set of people with the right set of skills who can complement your DevOps culture is a very important step forward in your pursuit of DevOps culture.
So are you perplexed as to how to find the right talent? Read on to see the best practices for DevOps hiring.
Best Practices for DevOps Hiring
1)Communication Skills are the Bedrock for DevOps Collaboration
Incapsula’s DevOps Salary Survey identified communication skills as one of the highest priorities for DevOps professionals, almost in tandem with operational skills. Unless and until you don’t communicate effectively and efficiently others might be forced to fill the gaps which might compromise your very intentions. DevOps breaks the siloed structure and paves the way for better collaboration.
Communication is the bedrock of collaboration. The best DevOps engineers are great communicators as DevOps thrives on communication and collaboration among cross-functional teams and departments. Good communication and oratory skills enable DevOps engineers to present themselves to the entire team.
Mastery of soft skills enables DevOps engineers to work closely with other teams and better understand the overall requirements of the business. Effective communication also paves the way to foster better understanding and trust among the team members.
2)Focus on the Engineering Needs
DevOps is a broad concept and is often associated with automation, administration, implementation, testing, management, etc., and hence means different things to different people. Identify the gaps by assessing the strength of your team. Find candidates with the appropriate skill sets that you are looking for.
A team composed of members who are all ‘jack of all trades but master of none’ will result in your projects getting stuck halfway. If you are having constraints with your budget, you can look out for DevOps consultants. You can avail the services of organizations that provide DevOps consulting services to fill the gaps that act as a roadblock in your quest to DevOps.
3)DevOps Engineers Should Have a Curiosity to learn
As DevOps covers multiple domains, a DevOps practitioner is preferred to have good technical prowess with a wide range of technologies. A DevOps engineer is bound to have an all-around knowledge and understanding of the key functional domains like development, continuous integration and continuous deployment/Delivery (CI/CD), operations, quality assurance (QA), networking, security, etc.
DevOps engineer, though has their routine work confined to development, testing, and operations, is a key player who is involved in all the engineering decisions. Sound technical knowledge and curiosity
4) Double Check a DevOps Engineer’s Resume
to stay updated with the latest developments can indeed make a DevOps engineer capable of identifying and solving problems.
Formal training based on certifications, massive open online courses (MOOC), boot camps, etc. indeed enables one to gain better knowledge especially if they are looking for a career. Regardless of the certifications that you have to your credit, experience is something that you have acquired all right from the start of your career. Indeed ‘Experience’ speaks louder than ‘Certifications’.
It’s not to underplay or overlook the importance of certifications but to emphasize the importance of passion in getting to learn new things rather than mere certifications for the sake of highlighting your resume. Of course, certifications do serve as the stepping stone in your pursuit of experience.
Also, you should not get entangled with the ‘DevOps ‘ keyword or buzzword. Even two job titles that may be at the extreme ends of a spectrum may often find a common place under ‘DevOps’. It means you should dig into the domain-specific knowledge of a new recruit rather than getting caught in ‘DevOps’.
5)Offer Good Perks to Attract the Best Talent
Well, DevOps practitioners and experts are occupying plum positions in their respective organizations with high salaries and financial perks. In order to attract such talents you should present to them good enough reasons. You should research the industry standards related to experience and skill sets that a position demands and decide on financial compensation or salary that is at par with the industrial standards.
Sometimes it may require you to go a step ahead and offer salary and other incentives that are at the higher end rather than relying on the industry average. Negotiations on your side may not attract the right candidate who may have several offers on the table.
DevOps is a necessity that decides your survival and revival. If you are still breaking your head with traditional development methodologies, it’s high time that you test the waters with DevOps. To help you in this process the most vital investment is the right team with the right blend of skills.
Are you looking to outsource your DevOps requirements or in the market for DevOps talents or DevOps consultation?
If so, look no further than Activelobby DevOps Services. We have a team of experienced and certified DevOps engineers who can help you with all your DevOps needs.
Before Deciding you can also go through our DevOps case studies here -